Following the example of members of the French Republicans Party, deputies from the Five Star Movement in Italy are planning to go to Crimea as well. Additionally, deputies from the German left-wing Die Linke Party are also announcing their readiness to visit the peninsula.
It is unlikely that all of this is happening by itself. In Moscow they have loved to organize similar campaigns since the Soviet times. Including in Crimea. The peninsula was a favorite vacation spot for various European communists, who not only engaged in sunbathing but also held meetings with factory workers and Young Pioneers (Soviet youth organization — Ed.) from the Artek summer camp. And, of course, they then described how good life was in a Soviet country. Why not repeat past experiences?
But the truth is that the organized trips for the expensive — well, certainly, not cheap — guests to Crimea are more a demonstration of ignorance and helplessness by the Kremlin than some diplomatic breakthrough. Yes, Nicolas Sarkozy’s Republicans are representatives of a major political force. And one can only regret that the party that hopes to govern the French Republic has similar crooks. And when one considers that it happened to be Sarkozy who managed the settlement of the Russian-Georgian conflict in 2008, one can only speculate that the annexation of Crimea would not have occurred had a different politician been in his place. Similarly, the fact that Sarkozy was still willing to sell the Mistrals to Putin despite the experience of this shameful war, leads one to conclude that perhaps the world would not be on a dangerous brink (of disaster) today without such indulgence toward the aggressor. But Sarkozy is Sarkozy. And the Republicans of France are a strong political party. And then?
And then we have the clowns. A real professional clown, Beppe Grillo, manages the Five Star Movement. And despite its rapid breakthrough into politics, this movement has failed to demonstrate any real ability to govern Italy. And professional clowns do not officially manage the “leftists” in Germany. Former communists from the German Democratic Republic govern the party. And they are clowns as well because for five decades they played at creating a “worker-peasant state” under the direction of the Soviet commander and the Stasi (East Germany’s secret police — Ed.) on German soil. And Putin really liked that country. And the “leftists” really like Putin. What is surprising?
There will be many more candidates wishing to visit Crimea. And with each such visit it will be more and more obvious that the world community is not going to recognize this annexation regardless of what circus troops are brought in by the invaders.
So let them come.