The movement was created in Russia “to prevent revolutions similar to the one in Ukraine.” Its organizers include deputy head of the civil organization “Boevoye Bratstvo” (‘Fighting Brotherhood’), senator Dmitry Sablin, a friend of Vladimir Putin’s, leader of the motorbike club ‘Night Wolves’ Alexandr Zaldostanov (“The Surgeon”), writer, co-leader of the party ‘Great Motherland’ Nikolay Starikov, member of the Afghanistan Veteran Council Vyacheslav Shabanov, world champion in free fighting Yulia Bereznikova. The so-called ‘cossacks’ have also expressed their wish to join.
The creators of the movement discussed their goals and tasks at a special press conference.
“Anti-Maidan” is not documented legally, however, they have their own manifesto, cited by the media. “We stand together to prevent color revolutions of chaos and anarchy,” says the document. “Anti-Maidan” will have their own headquarters, an executive committee and personal membership, it will fight against the ideological enemies “regardless of whether the government allows it or not.”
One of the leaders of “Anti-Maidan,” concerned with politics and the rise of patriotism, is an Orthodox biker, Alexandr Zaldostanov (“The Surgeon”), who was subject to US sanctions. He explained that his friends had died in “Novorossiya.” One of the formal creators of the movement is senator Dmitry Sablin, who was a member of the State Duma from Yedinaya Rossiya from 2003 to 2013.