Kyiv mayor candidate Vitaliy Klitschko warns that the Communist Party is preparing massive separatist provocations in Eastern Ukraine. Information about this has been provided from multiple sources, from ordinary Kyivans to political representatives.
According to the sources, representatives of the Communist Party in Kyiv are recruiting activists, mainly from the pensioners that are their main electoral support, to participate in the pro-Russian and separatist rallies in the regional centers of the Southern and Eastern Ukraine. The departure is planned to happen on April 30 and May 1. One of the sources noted that he “can’t remember another instance of such large-scale work by the number of participants and money-wise”. Apparently, their goal is to escalate violence and create a picture that is ‘desirable’ for anti-Ukrainian propaganda, when patriotic Ukrainian citizens and local self-defense forces will be forced to ‘confront’ elderly people with separatist fighters behind their backs.
Klitschko has appealed to the law enforcement forces to to prevent any illegal actions on the division of the country and the escalation of violence. Klitschko also asked the patriotic citizens in Eastern and Southern Ukraine not to succumb to provocations and to not participate in confrontations that will be instigated by the provocation organizers. He also warned the ‘activists’ that are hired to engage in this provocation and their relatives, saying that the provocation organizers have neither principles nor conscience: “They will use you and your loved ones as human shields. They will beat people without hesitation. You are risking the health and lives of both you and your loved ones. The people organizing the provocations want blood. They are not satisfied with ‘peaceful protests’. And they will kill if it would be ‘useful’ to carry out their dirty tasks.”
Based on Klitschko’s FB post, translated by Alya Shandra