Ihor Tomkiw, a childhood friend, resident of Toronto, Canada, and his two buddies, Barry Walker and Thuan Truong, have been doing what many of us have done and continue doing – supporting Ukraine in their own way.
They have written several letters to Nadiya Savchenko, the Ukrainian pilot who was captured on Ukrainian soil by Russian-backed terrorists and has been illegally detained in Russian prisons since June 17, 2014. Recently Ihor and his friends received a moving reply from Nadia, which should spur all of us into pursuing our fight for Ukraine’s independence. Whether it’s writing letters, organizing action or information events, collecting funds, writing and reporting about Ukraine, demonstrating or working as a volunteer, each freedom-loving person can contribute his/her “drop in the ocean” in support of Ukraine and its people.
Translation of Nadia’s letter
Good day,
Ihor Tomkiw
Barry Walker
Thuan Truong
Guys, I’ve received three letters from you. Some letters may still be on the way. I think I received some mail from you some time ago… and definitely from Ihor. You have a special way of writing and folding the letter paper. I remember all your letters and words of support! Thank you very much for everything!
Please forgive me for writing in Russian, but all correspondence is examined and censored. I hope you’ll be able to understand my words.
Please convey my deepest gratitude to your friends, all like-minded people and the many, many Canadians who have helped and supported me and the Ukrainian people.
I greatly appreciate your concern and your strong and gracious words of support and gratitude.
Sincerely yours,
Nadiya Savchenko 23.09.2015

Nadia remains behind bars, awaiting her trial in a “kangaroo” court. Our action is ongoing, so join us by addressing a few words to Nadia and the other Ukrainian political prisoners illegally detained in Russia. Please write the addresses in Russian (copy/paste). Letters in Russian are more likely to get through although you may write short and simple messages in any other language. Whatever your anguage, please avoid any comments about their case or about politics!
Nadiya Savchenko (born 1981)
Савченко Надежде Викторовне
ФКУ СИЗО-3б УФСИН России по Ростовской области,
34608 Ростовская обл., г.Новочеркасск, ул. Украинская 1
Российская Федерация
Gennady Afanasyev (born 1990)
Афанасьеву Геннадию Сергеевичу
167028, Республика Коми,
г. Сыктывкар, п. Верхний Чов, ИК-25,
Российская Федерация
Oleg Sentsov (born 1976)
Сенцову Олегу Геннадьевичу
344082, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ая 2710,
Российская Федерация
Oleksandr Kolchenko (born 1989)
Кольченко Александру Александровичу
344082, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ая 2710,
Российская Федерация