Russia acknowledges the early elections in Ukraine, which was stated by the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. The head of the Russian MFA said that there will be people to work with in the Ukrainian Parliament. They acknowledge the elections, however a number of Russian media continue to lament the fact that in Ukraine, so-called “fascists” are in power. For example, in a report by Russian NTV channel, publicist Andrey Pashev claims that the government includes “the supporters of the current, let us call things by their proper names, fascist regime.”
On Tuesday Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko participated in a ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from Nazi occupants and put down flowers to the Monument of the Unknown Solider in the Park of Glory. This was reports in the Russian media, in particular by the Russian Defense Ministry channel Zvezda. “Silently and as imperceptibly as possible, official events are limited to putting down flowers to the Unknown Soldier in the Kyiv Park of Glory,” says the report.
The subtitle to the video says: “An Uncomfortable Holiday.” Petro Poroshenko noted: “I firmly believe in our victory in the Great Patriotic War of 2014, that my political and diplomatic plan will work and bring peace to Donbas and all of Ukraine.” The Russian TV channel Zvezda called this statement especially cynical in regard to Donbas veterans. In his speech to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation, Petro Poroshenko also noted that millions of Ukrainians fought against Nazis and their allies within the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), within the ranks of Soviet partisan unions, within the Polish army, American, Australian, British, Canadian armies, French, Yugoslavian and Slovakian resistance troops.
A number of separatist websites interpreted this in their own way, having written in one of the articles: “The President’s Administration today confirmed yet once more that the Ukrainian government has taken course towards the fascization of state policies and ideology.”
This conclusions was made by the author in light of the fact that the President mentioned the UPA, which according to these websites “collaborated with Hitler’s army according to all objective historical data, including foreign ones.”