Late on 14 February, shortly before midnight, a local Telegram channel reported an explosion in the Kursk district, Russia. Later, Russian channels shared videos of a massive fire in Kursk Oblast. At about 00:30 on 15 February, Kursk Oblast Governor Roman Starovoyt reported a blaze at an oil depot, blaming the incident on a Ukrainian drone attack.
This year, Ukraine has intensified its drone attacks against the Russian oil industry, significantly disrupting fuel supplies crucial for the Russian military, while simultaneously decreasing the Kremlin’s export revenues.
“An attack by a Ukrainian UAV in the Kursk district has caused a fire at an oil depot. According to preliminary information, there are no casualties. All special services are currently working at the site. Please remain calm,” Starovoyt wrote.
Two Russian Telegram channels claimed that a Ukrainian drone hit a 100-ton fuel tank at the oil depot in Kursk.
At the time of the news publication, Ukrainian military and special services had not commented on the information regarding an alleged drone attack on Kursk.
Ukraine targets Russia’s fuel facilities
Read also:
- Ukraine’s drone war across Russia cuts into oil revenues
- Russia’s Black Sea port oil refinery engulfed in flames after another drone raid
- Drones attack Russia’s tactical bomber base in Rostov Oblast (updated)
- Oil depot on fire after drone attack on airfield in Russia’s Kursk: VIDEOS