A series of powerful explosions struck Russia’s Bryansk Oblast on the evening of 13 January, Russian Telegram channels report citing local residents. According to pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Mash, people heard approximately 30 explosions. Local television broadcast missile threat warnings for the region as multiple flashes were visible over the city, another pro-Kremlin Telegram channel SHOT reported. Unofficial Russian sources claimed Ukraine used ATACMS missiles in the attack.
Geolocation of additional explosion footage suggests the Ukrainian strike may have targeted both an ammunition depot near Bryansk and an explosives manufacturing facility in Seltso settlement, RFE/RL reported.
The targeted facility, Bryansk Chemical Plant named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR, is located more than 115 kilometers from Ukraine’s border. The plant, part of the Techmash holding, produces explosives for Russian state defense contracts.
Regional governor Aleksander Bogomaz later announced that Ukraine had “attempted a massive combined missile strike.” He claimed Russian air defenses destroyed all targets and reported no preliminary casualties, providing no additional details.
This latest attack appears to have caused more significant damage than previous strikes.
Mash also claimed that HIMARS missile debris fell on the territory of the Kremniy plant in Bryansk city.
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