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Ukraine to assemble German Vector drones and produce spare parts for them

Ukrainian forces operate hundreds of Vector drones, which get improvements based on the combat use experience.
Vector reconnaissance UAV. Photo: Quantum Systems
Vector reconnaissance UAV. Photo: Quantum Systems
Ukraine to assemble German Vector drones and produce spare parts for them

The Ukrainian Defense Forces use the Vector drone by German company Quantum-Systems, which established a Service, Support, Training, and Logistics Center (SSTLC) in Ukraine in spring 2023, primarily for drone operator training, repairs, and facilitating spare parts procurement, according to Militarnyi.

Vector drones boost Ukraine’s reconnaissance capabilities at a time when the war in Ukraine is increasingly seen as a war of drones, and the cooperation of western defense companies with Ukrainian know-how is deemed essential for Ukraine’s victory.

Furthermore, Quantum-Systems plans to establish a dedicated Research and Development (R&D) center alongside the SSTLC. Oleksandr Berezhnyi, a company representative, told DOU this move stems from the fact that a portion of SSTLC’s activities is indeed linked to R&D, prompting the decision to create a distinct department.

The company is actively recruiting specialists for its upcoming center, which will focus on both software and hardware aspects. Quantum-Systems has outlined several key priorities, including the development and integration of CRPA antennas resistant to interference, enhancing data transmission channels, employing artificial intelligence systems for navigation and target recognition, and creating additional features tailored to the requirements of the Armed Forces and drone operators.

Berezhnyi said the company plans to start the production of spare parts for Vector reconnaissance drones in Ukraine in 2024, and by 2025, it aims to establish full drone assembly operations in the country. This development is crucial, enabling prompt supply and repair services for the Ukrainian military.

Quantum-Systems does not specify how many drones Ukraine’s Defense Forces are currently using but notes that there are already hundreds of them.

The German government’s list of the equipment donated to Ukraine mentions 152 Vectors as delivered as of 14 December, and 273 as planned to be delivered or being delivered.

Militarnyi notes these UAVs exemplify Western developers enhancing their weaponry through real-world combat experience, especially against an adversary having really serious means of counteraction. In November, Militarnyi reported that Vector drones in Ukraine initially experienced unexplained crashes, puzzling the German manufacturers. The issue was traced to Russian jamming of satellite signals. They subsequently incorporated manual control and AI-driven software for resolution.

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