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Frontline report: Russian defense along railroad begins to collapse as Ukrainians liberate Andriivka

Frontline report: Following the recent liberation of Andriivka, Ukrainian troops are actively working to reinforce control over their newly gained territories in the area while also targeting Russian positions along the railway.
Frontline report: Russian defense along railroad begins to collapse as Ukrainians liberate Andriivka

First of all, Ukrainians have firmly established control over Klishchiivka. It was previously mentioned that Ukrainians managed to sever Russian forces from their supplies and successfully encircled and eliminated a group of soldiers in the northern part of the village.

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However, it was still too risky to establish a permanent presence due to persistent Russian rail counterattacks. Despite the Russian forces employing their most advanced tanks, the T-90, Ukrainian drone operators kept a close watch over the area. When Russian tanks ventured within 4 km of the village, they were swiftly taken down by kamikaze drones.

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A video was soon released by Ukrainian fighters from Klishchiivka, demonstrating their presence in the northern section of the village. The slow pace of the soldiers in the video suggests that the conflict line had been shifted further from the railways, likely towards a passage previously destroyed by the Ukrainians.

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Secondly, it has been confirmed that Ukrainian forces now have complete control over Andriivka. While gaining control over the northern part of Klishchiivka was inevitable, given that the Ukrainians had the advantage of fortifications and had severed Russian supplies, the battle for Andriivka was significantly tougher.

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Ukrainian forces had executed a pincer maneuver, establishing two axes of advance. Even after breaching Russian defenses along the railways and taking positions on the Russian side, maintaining these bridgeheads posed significant challenges.

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Russian forces, realizing they were being cut off, desperately launched repeated assaults to repel the Ukrainians from their newly acquired positions. Recent footage depicts Russian soldiers approaching Ukrainian positions in the tree lines south of Andriivka.

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Ukrainians released a video detailing their defensive measures against Russian counterattacks, aiming to maintain control over the supply lines and limit ammunition and reinforcements to primary fortifications.

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A notable obstacle in capturing Andriivka was a formidable bunker the Russians had established near the village. Attempts by Ukrainians to destroy it were unsuccessful, allowing the Russians to stockpile considerable ammunition and troops. This ensured not only the protection of the railway embankment but also of the village itself.

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Unfortunately for Russians, the shortage of resources kicked in nonetheless because after Ukrainians conducted a pincer movement, Russians in Andriivka appeared in the operational encirclement.

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The commander of the renowned Ukrainian 3rd Assault Brigade reported significant successes against the Russian 72nd Brigade over the past two days. Today, seeing the tight control over the region and the depleted Russian forces, the Ukrainian commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Assault Brigade took the initiative. Using a drone with a loudspeaker, he addressed the remaining Russian troops in the area, offering them a chance to surrender for potential prisoner exchanges. Many Russian units heeded the call, while those who didn’t were swiftly defeated in a final assault.

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In summary, Ukrainians liberated two more settlements and advanced their frontline eastwards. The Russian defense along the railway embankment has been breached in multiple locations and is steadily deteriorating. Currently, Ukrainians are reinforcing control over their newly acquired territories and targeting the residual Russian positions along the railway as Russian forces in Kurdiumivka and Ozarianivka anxiously anticipate their turn.

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In our daily frontline report, we pair up with the military blogger Reporting from Ukraine to keep you informed about what is happening on the battlefield in the Russo-Ukrainian war.

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