On September 21, when Putin declared his partial mobilization, the anonymous Telegram channel “The Committee of Bashkir Resistance” announced itself and declared that the goal of its members is that “Bashkortostan will be free.”
Two days later, the channel called for firebombing military commissariats in order to prevent the mobilization of Bashkirs; and on September 24, someone threw a fire bomb at the offices of United Russia in the Bashkir city of Salavat. That was followed on October 3 by the firebombing of the KPRF offices there.
The Committee of Bashkir Resistance demanded that Ufa officials stop the mobilization program in Bashkir and Tatar areas, an action they described as “a cover ethnocide of the autochthonian population” of the Middle Volga. Then, on October 6, the military commissariat in Arkhangelsk district 65 kilometers from Ufa was firebombed.
Bashkir officials have not commented on these actions, and no one has been arrested on suspicion of being involved. In his comments, Ruslan Gabbasov, the émigré leader of the Bashkir nationalists, leaves little doubt that these attacks were the work of the Committee and its supporters.
Gabbasov like Bashkir nationalists more generally has been radicalized by the attack on Ukraine. Earlier, he set up the Bashkort organization to promote federalism in Russia, but now he is openly calling for Bashkortostan to be an independent country based on the formation of “a Bashkir political nation” consisting of its entire population.
Analysts are taking this movement seriously. Abbas Gallyamov, who earlier served in the Ufa government, says that the underground groups have financing from major local businessmen and that while they are not large – to be effective as conspiracies, they can’t be, he argues – they can be the centers around which others will form if Moscow weakens.
And Russian political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin says that what is occurring shows that Bashkortostan “is becoming the first swallow among the republics which are talking about independence.” Its activists are passing through the same phases national movements in the former Soviet Union did, and therefore they must be taken seriously.
According to Oreshkin,
“Putin’s strategy is leading to the disintegration of the country. He began a war and opened the gates for such processes. The mistakes of the Kremlin authorities are now giving all this a powerful stimulus.”
He also observes that this situation has left republic head Murtazza Rakhimov in a difficult position.
Read more:
- National minorities of Russia call to decolonize, denuclearize “imperial, terrorist” Russian state
- “Not our war”: leaders of Bashkir national movement call on countrymen to boycott Russia’s war against Ukraine (Jan 2022)
- League of Free Nations: Indigenous activists from Russia to fight for independence from Moscow
- Could Moscow’s actions in Ukraine trigger war between Tatars and Bashkirs?
- On historical unity in a prison of nations: Ukraine’s Institute of National Remembrance Head strikes back at Putin (2021)
- Indigenous leader accuses Russia of ethnocide at UN Forum (2021)
- Non-Russians inside Russia more important allies of West than is the opposition there, Verkhovna Rada leader says (2019)
- Moscow using refugees from Ukraine to shift ethnic balance in non-Russian republics, Bashkir historian Says (2014)