Today, the local Telegram channels of occupied Kherson shared videos of allegedly Ukrainian HIMARS strikes on the Antonivskyi bridge, one of three major bridges across the Dnipro river, connecting the Russian grouping of forces on the right bank of the Dnipro to the rest of the occupied territory.
The Antonivskyi bridge saw a number of Ukrainian attacks in recent months, which made it impassable. Other bridges – the Antonivskyi railroad bridge and the Nova Kakhovka dam and canal lock bridges have also been extensively damaged.
Moreover, the satellite image released yesterday shows that the vehicular canal lock bridge collapsed in Nova Kakhovka:
One more key bridge is located near the village of Dariivka, it is the only bridge over the Inhulets river in the Russian-occupied part of Kherson Oblast. It has also been damaged several times.
The damaged bridges disrupt the logistics of the entire Russian group of forces in the entire northwest of Kherson Oblast.