Petro Poroshenko, as the President, should implement direct presidential government in Ukraine and postpone the elections to the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada.
Recent events in Ukraine show that regulating the military, political and economic situation without employing severe measures is impossible. Ukraine’s unilateral steps to solve the problem in Donbas will only lead to the loss of Ukrainian unity and a chain reaction in other regions. Between October and November there are predispositions for the deepening of the economic crisis, the disruption of the execution of the state budget and social discontent. It is already obvious that we will not get a new quality within the Parliament. The party leaders, aiming to increase their ratings, do not even comprehend all the consequences and future work of the new parliament, they are taking front liners there (with all due respect to them and a bow to their heroism – they are National Heroes), as well as journalists, artists, people who have already been in power. Besides, on the wave of the national protest movement, the parliament may be infiltrated with honest idiots and ‘clowns,’ as well as populists, who during their work in the government (the Parliament is also a branch of the government) did not bring anything to the country. Who will then engage in legislative work?
Besides, there will be mass plaints regarding the accuracy and legitimacy of the election results, as there was no opportunity to hold them on all Ukrainian territory.
We need time to restore the quality of the government, and not just to change the names on office doors. The situation in Ukraine cannot be rectified without cardinal measures and confident action.
In this light, it would be smart to:
- Implement direct presidential government on all Ukrainian territory for 6 months. With this goal, suspend individual points of the Ukrainian Constitution for the designated term.
- Suspend (in light of disbandment) the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and postpone the early elections to the Ukrainian Parliament to March 2015.
- The position of the High Commander should be created for the entire duration of combat on Ukrainian territory.
- With the goal of stabilizing the socioeconomic situation, the National Rescue Committee (a technical government) should be created in Ukraine. The current government should be reformatted.
- For the term of direct presidential government, with the goal of effective reforms, the Ukrainian President should issue Presidential Decrees which, after their approval by the Ukrainian Constitutional Court, should be compulsory for execution on all territory of Ukraine. The President’s Decrees should start economic reforms, and not their imitation, which is what we have at the moment.
- Representatives of the Ukrainian President act in administrative units and oblasts.
- The President should clearly declare Ukraine’s goal to become a NATO member. All referendums in this regard are technologies that are being developed outside of Ukraine. Their holding is problematic and may have long-term consequences.
- The Ukrainian President’s first decrees should touch on administrative, justice reforms and law enforcement reform. Without their personnel and functional update, any further action has no sense.
- The Decrees’ economic block should prescribe the formation of the model of the national economy with a developed domestic market, high-technology export and good conditions for the attraction of domestic and foreign investments. This will necessitate a number of reforms aimed to develop Ukrainian priority industries. The first Decrees should include: the Decree on property, the Decree that determines Ukraine’s new regional policies, including territorial organization of power, the Decree on banks, the Decree on land. The reform program should be approved by the National Rescue Committee.
Time doesn’t like hesitation. Every hour, every day demands according action. Their delay may lead to the loss of Ukrainian independence.