The creeping division of Ukraine goes on while the Russians are outfoxing us all. They are attempting to replicate the the Crimean invasion scenario in eastern Ukraine, but this time using a modified version, said Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a Member of the European Parliament, to TVN 24. According to Saryusz-Wolski, there can be no talk of optimism given the current situation, the online edition of Poland’s Wiadomości reports.
“We are talking about a local armed invasion, followed by a slow and unconcealed annexation. This time it is accompanied by the equipment and soldiers that have been observed. This is a particular test of the West and of which borders Russia can still cross over,” Saryusz-Wolski said.
He notes, “It seems that the world is playing along with [this test], since it is consumed with a pointless and false white convoy [Ed. note: Russian “aid” trucks] instead of dealing with the regular Russian troops and equipment heading towards Donbas.”
Let us recall that Leszek Miller, the former Prime Minister of Poland and Leader of the Democratic Left Alliance, suggested that negotiations aimed at settling the conflict in Ukraine should take place in Warsaw. This is how Miller commented on the meeting of the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany in Berlin: “The decision of EU leaders not to invite Polish diplomats to the meeting is a sure signal to change our foreign policy. Poland should become a peacemaker and not a party to the conflict in Ukraine,” Wiadomości quotes Leszek Miller as saying.
Translated by Katherina Smirnova, edited by Andrew Kinder