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The grey dove of peace

The grey dove of peace

Yesterday, on June 23rd, a completely unexpected event happened. I am talking about the dialogue between Kuchma and Medvedchuk which happened in the city of Donetsk.

Several random people where invited to the talks, who aimed to bury the significance of what was happening and make the event more scandalous – Shufrich and Tsariov. There was also a protocol figure – the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov. And a representative of the government who controlled that the talks would be held and held according to protocol – a special OSCE representative Heidi Taliavini.

Before the talks, Mr. Tsariov, whose task is to cluck like a hen and flap his arms amusingly, held a briefing for Lifenews journalists, during which he named seven (!) conditions to begin the talks process with the government of Ukraine.

Immediately after this briefing, in light of the fact that none of Tsariov’s seven conditions were met, the talks started without delay. Just so everyone understands Tsariov’s level of influence on the processes. Judging from the photographs taken on location, Tsariov did not wear a clown hat at the event. Looks like diplomatic protocol does not necessitate this.

We remind you that Mr. Tsariov at the event represented the movement “Southeast,” so some sort of political power which aims to present the interests of the PRD and PRL in the legal field. Like Boroday, but not Boroday, but a real politician, though an idiot.

We note that Boroday is not happy about the talks that happened. As he noted wisely, the people that came to Donetsk have no official status. Boroday is so unhappy that he quickly managed to organised an entire protest against the high standing officials that came to reach an agreement to Donetsk.

In general we understand what happened in the sense the Poroshenko’s plan, which we have written about earlier, has come to pass too starkly, and Putin understood that Poroshenko intends to tango alone.

In light of the fact that the US intends to impose third-level sanctions starting next week, for which they don’t need anybody else in the world including the EU, because it is enough for them to impose sanctions in the financial sector, that within a month Moscow will howl so loudly it will be heard even in the mountains of Dagestan, Putin cannot allow Poroshenko to tango alone. His life depends on jumping into this departing train.

Meanwhile Gubarev reports directly how Igor Girkin attacked the Ukrainian army on June 22nd at 4 a.m. sharp, which as a side that proclaimed a ceasefire, allowed him to attack without retaliating. This puts Putin in very uncomfortable position. He has to hurry up and play the dove of peace.

And he, having done some relative calculations, is doing the same he had always done – sending his real and powerful representative to the talks. The same as always. No, not Zurabov, of course. Viktor Medvedchuk. Who is traditionally considered to be a specialist in Ukraine and a venerated politician there in the Kremlin. But Medvedchuk is not considered such anywhere else but the Kremlin. It is enough the Medvedchuk is silently empowered to represent Putin personally.

And Kyiv is making steps toward Putin. Because of a number of reasons. First, because he called himself a peace-keeper – come inside, start talking. Second, because the EU is watching this closely. Third, because even without the EU they will not be able to fight well if the Kremlin continues to increase its presence in Donbas, and it will. The US can take away Russia’s dollars but not its tanks. And the Russian Federation without dollars may understand that all the worst has already happened, the tanks can already be sent in mass, it cannot get any worse, only better. Therefore the US may win this but only after Ukraine loses.

This is why Kyiv is sending Medvedchuk’s old friend and companion to the talks, as well as unofficial but respected person, Leonid Kuchma, the old dove of peace. 10 years ago Kuchma said that he would also like to see Ukraine without Kuchma. And now it is great moment for him to say: “I saw and I didn’t like it, daddy’s home, daddy will fix it.” On the other hand Kuchma is an unofficial person. Kyiv called him its representative at the talks, but this doesn’t mean that should the talks go sour Kuchma will not be replaced for the next unofficial person.

Nonetheless the talks, as we see it, went well. In the sense that Kuchma and Medvedchuk came to an agreement. It would be strange if they didn’t, they are old friends and can talk without any Tsariovs, directly. So if the meeting was held it was only for these guys to sound their positions and shed light on the talks.

The testament to the fact that the talks happened is the fact that Putin proposed to the Federation Council to abolish the order of March 1st regarding the usage of the Russian army on Ukrainian territory. As we see it, it is not customary to refuse Putin in the Federation Council, so it is more of a statement than an order.

This way two candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize appeared: (Poroshenko and Putin) Kuchma and Medvedchuk.

The PRD and PRL this way have to face a sour fact – guys, we decided everything for you. You can shoot a little, and then we will declare you traitors unable to agree from the Kremlin, and you will never get anything more complex than Prosvirin’s flying camera from us. And you can stop shooting, agree to everything, and then you will face, depending on your merits before our join Donetsk motherland, either a solemn retirement, emigration to the RF and a secret merit medal from Putin, or a post in the bodies of executive government in the construction which Putin, based on the local powers, will try to build in Donbas. Mr. Khodakovskiy, the commander of “Vostok,” may be declared our Ukrainian Stirlitz who skilfully infiltrated the PRD structure and conducted two successful special operations to destroy the terrorists: in Donetsk airport and at the Marynivka border checkpoint. He will receive the Hero of Ukraine merit, become head of the Donetsk oblast SSU. He will work on all sides at the same time, as is customary in the SSU.

Overall, they propose that we evaluate how much bad piece is better than a good argument. And you know, so far it is difficult to say for sure.

This doesn’t mean that war is over, this means that a new phase is starting. From Vasiliy Zaytsev’s movies we are moving to movies about Gleb Zhiglov. “The punishers of the junta” will be re-qualified in the “junta polizei.” But to hope that Donbas will start “living anew” and will feel the Maidan ideals is pointless in any case. The artillery war may be approaching its end but the ideological war is far from being over.

Source: petrimazepa

Translated by Mariya Shcherbinina

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