Yevstratiy Zorya, Secretary of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate)
Ukraine is not divided. In fact, there is no standoff between the East and the West, the capital and the country, etc. There is not even any actual standoff between Russia and Ukraine.
Ukraine is struggling against imperium sovieticus, which is neither a state, nor a nation, nor even a group of individuals, but a way of thinking, acting, and living. Much like the proverbial ruin, this Sovietdom starts in people’s heads.
Ukraine rebelled against Sovietdom following its Eastern European neighbors after a quarter of a century, a symbolic number. Our neighbors succeeded – and so shall we.
Ukraine shall prevail because it is living and real, and Sovietdom is the deadening spawn of the evil and darkness, hatred and bloodlust in people’s souls.
Ukraine shall prevail because it prays to God, and not to ‘the mighty enterprises’ of bloody tyrants.
Ukraine shall prevail because even the darkest night ends with a dawn.
Source: Yevstratiy Zorya’s FB
Translated by Alya Shandra, edited by Inga Kononenko and Robin Rohrback