Yes, the EP intends to remind you that the existing borders of Ukraine were guaranteed the United States of America, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom in the Budapest memorandum on security guarantees.
“(The EP) is reminiscent of the Russian Federation, together with the other two mentioned above States she took the obligation to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest,” said the draft resolution.
In this regard, the European Parliament intends to urge “all parties and third countries to respect and maintain the unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, as well as to urge all political forces inside Ukraine and international actors to commit to working on the territorial integrity and national unity of Ukraine, taking into account the cultural and linguistic composition of the country and its history. ”
Also the draft resolution urges Russia to “take a constructive approach in order to create the conditions for Ukraine, in which she will benefit from bilateral relations with the EU and Russia.”
“(EP) strongly calls on the EU and Member States unanimously negotiate with Russia to support the European aspirations of Ukraine and other countries of the Eastern partnership so that they can freely choose the depth of their relations with the EU,” said the draft document.
In addition, the EP intending to state that the provisions of a deep and comprehensive free trade area “does not represent any commercial problems for the Russian Federation, and that the association agreement is not a hindrance to good relations of Ukraine with the Eastern neighbor.
“Instability in the general vicinity of nor in the interests of the EU, nor in the interest of Russia, providing political, economic or other coercion is a violation of the Helsinki Final Act,” noted in the draft resolution.
In addition, the EP intends to urge the Ukrainian Parliament and the future Government to respect the rights of minorities in the country and the use of Russian and other languages of national minorities. ”
“(EP) urged to adopt new legislation in accordance with the obligations in the framework of the European Charter for regional or minority languages” mentioned in the draft resolution.
The project also calls for the European Commission to “work together with Ukrainian authorities to find ways to balance the impact of the measures in response to Russia’s actions, which were sent out to stop the signing of the Association Agreement, and the possible new measures.”
“(EP) welcomes the statement of the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Olli Rehn on the readiness of the EU to provide substantial and ambitious as a short-term and a long-term package of financial aid,” said the draft document.
Source – Pravda.com.ua