Despite the arrests and disappearance of its members, “Avtomaidan” has become even more united. According to one of its leaders, Aleksey Grycenko, it can be incorporated into civil society. Well-organized and supportive 150 Avtomaidan members protect citizens on the streets from roving gangs, deliver and protect injured people to hospitals, drive deputies to the hot spots and assist with practical issues of Maidan everyday life.

One of the youngest leaders of Avtomaidan — Sergey Koba under the threat of arrest was forced to leave Ukraine. He is now launching Avtomaidan movement in Europe, thus he arranged meetings in Paris, Davos and Vienna. Main aim is organisation of protests near Ukrainian oligarchs offices and houses, providing political refuge and medical care for people who suffered from Ukrainian government actions. Today Avtomaidan already exists on the national level — it is represented in all regions of Ukraine, people have organized themselves and the coordination between regions. Not only are car drivers members of Avtomaidan, but also motorcyclists and even bicyclists started to support the movement. Thus, Ivan Rudyak the president of motoclub “Night birds” has recently appealed to all motorcyclist in order to encourage them to join the protests.

There is a vision, that Avtomaidan will continue its mission even after revolution is finished, it will go on with fighting regime, corruption, regardless of who will come into power.
Translated by Olga Senkiv and Anastasiya Solyanyak