On 27 March 2015, a day after a hearing in the Basmannyi court in Moscow where the charges against Nadiya Savchenko that carried a 20-year prison sentence were found to be a “technical mistake,” Nadiya’s lawyer Mark Feygin tweeted another letter that she wrote to her supporters, in which she thanks her supporters for being at the hearing.
Good day to you, good people!
Thank you to everyone who came to my court hearing yesterday. When they were transferring me back to SIZO-1 [the detention center], I heard you shouting “Nadiya! Nadiya!” :)
Then the driver turned on the siren in the paddy wagon to drown out your voices and chase you away. I cracked up laughing! :))) I heard you anyway! :) I’d hear your voice even through walls.
I only ask that you be careful; I really don’t want to end up hearing your voices in the prison cell next to me… ;)
Meeting with you gave me an ocean-full of strength! It gave me enough strength for the next court hearing.
Until we meet again! And I hope, finally, it’ll be in FREEDOM!!!
Nadiya Savchenko
P.S. It turned out they didn’t hang the fourth article on me!:) So, a bit of a victory!
Glory to Ukraine! [Long live Ukraine!- EP]
Glory to Heroes! [Heroes never die! – EP]