The meeting called the first “Russian International Conservative Forum” and nominally hosted by the Russian National Cultural Center – People’s House is in fact the work of the Rodina Party and says it includes only European rightists who support Putin on Ukraine (Rosbalt and Ekho Moskvy).
Jared Taylor, an American who calls for white supremacy.
Nicholas Griffin, head of the British National Party and a prominent Holocaust denier.
Roberto Fiore, head of the New Force party in Italy which pursues traditionalist and extreme right causes.
Udo Voigt. Former head of the rightwing extremist National Democratic Party of Germany and now a deputy in the European Parliament noted for his anti-Semitic and xenophobic views and frequently found subject to legal sanctions for them.
Georgios Epitidios, a representative of Greece’s Golden Dawn party which is viewed in Athens as neo-fascist and neo-Nazi and whose party’s emblem is a stylized swastika.
Stefan Jakobsen, the head of the Party of Swedes and who is widely considered a neo-Nazi.
Daniel Karlsen, the head of the Party of Danes and one of the founding members of the National Socialist Movement of Denmark.
Gonsalo Martin Garcia, a leader of the ultra-right Spanish National Democratic Party.
Orazio Maria Gnerre, president of the European Communist Party Milennium which seeks the dissolution of NATO and the end of what he calls “the hegemony of liberalism and the unipolar world.”
Aleksandr Kofman, the foreign minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples Republic.
Aleksey Zhuravlyev, a United Russia Duma deputy who has attracted attention for his calls to strip the rights of those in non-traditional families to have children.
Yegor Kholmogorov, a Russian nationalist who has said that “the war for Novorossiya is a national liberation war of the Russian people for its reunification and for the elimination of invented borders.”
Stanislav Vorobyev, the coordinator of the Russian Imperial Movement who has called for “Russian men to join the joint struggle for Novorossiya under the imperial flag.”