The willingness to take up arms in defense of one’s nation varies dramatically across the globe, as highlighted in a pivotal survey by the Sociological Group “Rating” in partnership with Gallup International. As part of the in-depth “End of Year” 2023 project, the survey casts light on the varying degrees of readiness to defend one’s own country among different cultures and regions.
Within the tapestry of European nations, Ukraine emerges distinctly, with a staggering 62% of its citizens expressing a readiness to defend their homeland. This figure not only speaks to the resilience born of the current war but also stands in stark contrast to the uncertainty that characterizes the stance of many Western European nations, where indecision seems prevalent.
On the Asian front, an overwhelming readiness to fight pervades. Armenia and Saudi Arabia showcase an almost unanimous resolve to fight if called upon, a sentiment echoed robustly in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan.

The Americas and Southern Europe present a different picture, marked by a significant slice of the populace wrestling with the decision. Central-Eastern Europe displays a somewhat firmer resolve, while Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Bulgaria reflect a reticence, potentially indicative of these societies’ contemporary views on military engagement.
The narrative changes in the Far East, with Japan presenting the lowest propensity towards combat readiness, perhaps a reflection of its post-war pacifist constitution and societal ethos.
Closer to the heart of the current European crisis, Ukraine’s neighbors like Moldova show a relatively high willingness to fight for their nation, surpassing half of those surveyed. In Romania and Poland, figures suggest a combat readiness in less than half of respondents, signaling a varied regional perspective on the prospect of war.
A recent YouGov survey shed light on American perceptions regarding the likelihood of another world war and their willingness to participate in it.
Despite the anticipation of war, the willingness of Americans to actively participate is limited. Only 6% would volunteer for military service in the event of a world war, with an additional 9% willing to serve if called up. However, if the US faced an imminent threat of invasion, the willingness to volunteer for military service increases to 16%. When it comes to non-combat roles, 19% express a willingness to volunteer in a world war scenario, and 26% would do so if the US were under direct threat.
When it comes to the potential involvement of the United States in a future global war, 77% of respondents anticipate that the country would play a role, while only 6% believe it would remain uninvolved. The perceived adversaries in this hypothetical war are primarily Russia and China, with 72% and 69% of Americans, respectively, expecting their involvement on opposing sides to the US Conversely, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Israel are seen as likely allies, with 67%, 58%, and 58% of respondents expecting their alignment with the US.
In this survey by the Rating Sociological Group and Gallup International, 64% of Ukrainians affirm democracy as the preferred governance system, despite its imperfections. This marks Ukraine sixth globally for such belief, contrasting with only 22% of Russians who support democracy. The survey reflects widespread support for democratic governance and representation by the will of the people within Ukraine, amidst varying global attitudes towards democracy and governance.
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