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Female Ukrainian cadets try out uniforms designed for women

Female Ukrainian cadets try out uniforms designed for women

At a training ground on the edge of Kyiv, female Ukrainian cadets donned new, specially designed military uniforms. The event aimed to simulate combat conditions, testing the efficiency and comfort of these uniforms.

Ukrainian cadets, wearing new military uniforms, take part in a training exercise on the outskirts of Kyiv on July 12. The event was to simulate combat conditions in specially designed clothing that is suited for female fighters.

Servicewomen usually have to get baggy outfits or source women's uniforms from other countries' forces.    

More than 42,000 women currently serve in Ukraine’s armed forces, with an estimated 5,000 of them engaged in combat units. However, they have all been issued male uniforms, which often prove ill-fitting and uncomfortable. The social initiative, Arm Women Now, has sought to address this by creating and distributing several thousand uniforms tailored for servicewomen, all provided free of charge.

Female soldiers often have to resort to sourcing women’s uniforms from other countries’ forces or wear baggy, oversized outfits. The new uniforms, which come in popular sizes like XS and XXS, are designed to provide a more comfortable and better-fitting alternative.

Female Ukrainian cadets wear the new military uniforms designed specially for women.

Project founder and Ukrainian parliament member, Iryna Nykorak, expressed her hope that all women serving in the Ukrainian military could soon benefit from the new design. Her non-profit organization is currently negotiating with the Defense Ministry to provide the new uniforms as standard issue for all female personnel.

“It seems to me that if a woman has taken up arms and is defending her home, her family, and her country, then she should at least have a comfortable uniform,” Nykorak said.

In addition to the uniforms, the project also focuses on providing appropriate underwear for combat missions, which Nykorak stressed is different from that worn by civilians.

A female Ukrainian cadet, wearing a new military uniform, has her hair braided.  

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