The photos of the leaflets were reportedly posted to Crimean forums. As twitter user wasily_crimea noted, the user who originally posted the photos is now unavailable, being supposedly blocked. However, photos of the leaflets had by that time spread like wildfire in the internet.
Скриншот оригинальной публикации, сейчас эккаунт с таким именем и аватаркой уже не находится (отсюда и предположение о его блокировке).
— Wasily Crimea (@wasily_crimea) March 15, 2019
Here are some photos from the facebook account of Mykhailo Batrak, a Crimean living in exile in Ukraine.
The leaflets contain 10 reasons for dissatisfaction with life in Russian-occupied Crimea in Russian. Here is a translation:
“I am withdrawing my signature from the referendum!
For this, I have 10 reasons.
- We were promised protection from “banderites” [derogatory term for Ukrainian nationalists]. Instead, we got a terrorist act in [a school in] Kerch and confidence that this could be repeated in any part of Crimea;
- We were promised high pensions. Instead, we got high prices, in the result of which pensions stayed as miserable as they were in Ukraine;
- We were promised free healthcare. Instead, we got its complete ruination, with a lack of doctors, bad drugs, queues, and closures of hospitals;
- We were promised order in urban administration. Instead we got unreasonable requisitions for renovations and heaps of trash on the streets;
- We were promised deals for the Crimean industry. Instead, we got sanctions and job cuts at factories;
- We were promised assistance for small business. Instead, we got corruption, impunity, and predatory loans in dubious banks;
- We were promised the development of agriculture. Instead, we got the African swine fever, destruction of rice farming, and appearance of salt marshes in North Crimea [due to the lack of water for irrigation which had previously come in from mainland Ukraine];
- We were promised that our unique nature would be protected. Instead, we got a chemical catastrophe in Armiansk, the mass development of quarries, and juniper felling at the South Coast;
- We were promised an iron rule of law. Instead. we got a drug addiction boom, mass knifing with Chechens, and total impunity of the police;
- We were promised millions of tourists each summer. Instead, we got tourist taxes, bureaucracy, and impoverished crowds with state tourist vouchers.
We voted for the bright future of our native land, not for joining the state of liars, thieves, and lowlives.
If you are also for a normal life in Crimea, share this information in any way possible.”
The so-called “referendum” held on 16 March 2014 after unmasked Russian troops seized the Crimean parliament and administrative buildings. According to official data, 83,1% of voters had turned up to the referendum in Crimea. According to the same official data, 96,77 and 95,6% of people respectively, had voted in favor of the accession to Russia. However, according to Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev, radio intercepts of the Russian FSB reveal that a much smaller number of Crimeans actually took part in the referendum (34,2%). The ballots contained two questions which left no room for the status quo, of Crimea remaining as an administrative part of Ukraine: “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a subject of the Russian Federation” and “Are you for the restoration of the 1992 Crimean constitution of the Crimean Republic and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”. A massive propaganda campaign had started at the same time urging the Crimeans to vote for the first option.
Read also:
- Chronology of the annexation of Crimea
- Hacked military docs reveal how the Russian 18th motorized brigade invaded Crimea
- Crushing dissent. Timeline of repressions against Crimean Tatars in occupied Crimea
- How it all happened: the Annexation of Crimea
- Crimea’s growing water problem might provoke new Russian attack against Ukraine
- Ex-terrorist leader: “Referendum in Crimea was a farce”
- Mustafa Dzhemilev: “Only 34,2% Crimeans took part in the pseudo-referendum on March 16”