7 wounded in 2 days. OSCE UAV attacked. Thousands herded to “mobilization assembly” near Donetsk #DonbasReports

7 wounded in 2 days. OSCE UAV attacked. Thousands herded to “mobilization assembly” near Donetsk #DonbasReports
“Easter ceasefire” agreed by the Trilateral Contact group (Russia, Ukraine, OSCE) continues in the Donbas since April 1. Hostilities have decreased about midnight of April 1, however, the truce is being violated every day. 7 Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in 77 attacks on April 5 and 6. “DNR” mobilized about 30000 for “one-day military assembly” on March 6. The LiveBlog of March 5 can be found here: 5 Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid “ceasefire”, downed Russian UAV discovered in Donbas #Donbasreports

  • The “Easter ceasefire” statistics as of April 7: 2 killed in action, 22 wounded. 248 attacks in 6 days
  • Reportedly 27000 residents of Donetsk Oblast were mobilized by “DNR” for a “one-day military assembly”
  • Donetsk residents reported minor military activity on April 6, but still no ceasefire
  • 2 Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in 29 attacks on 5 April, 5 more wounded in 48 attacks on April 6
  • OSCE confirmed deaths of 6 civilians in the Donbas last week
  • Minor military activity on April 7 according to reports on social networks, sporadic light explosions were heard in towns north, northwest of occupied Donetsk.

April 8, 06:55

Mostly quiet evening in the Donbas – residents (April 07, 18:00-23:59)

From 6 p.m. to midnight local residents of the Donbas reported minor military activity from north Donetsk, no reports came from Luhansk Oblast and Mariupol area.

Regular evening shelling, however, no artillery fire reported:

18:36 Makiivka: Has it begun? Booms in the north, so far sparse
19:29 Yasynuvata: All day throgh, sporadic mortar in’s, out’s Hospodar, Kruta_Balka direction. As of evening Promka heard too
19:29 Makiivka Gvardeyka: YaBP becomes noisy
19:50 Makiivka: We’re listening to heavy outgoing rounds for already about 15 minutes
20:31 Makiivka Gvardeyka: Single impacts in the direction of Yakovlivka, Severnyi. And outgoing rounds begin too
20:55 Donetsk: YaBP direction rumbles a bit, ceases for a while then again
23:19 Makiivka: “Orcs[=RU] cannot sleep, outgoing fire”


Poroshenko: Russia changed its tactics both in Crimea and Donbas by raising stakes up to creation of quasi-states

“Russia changed its tactics both in Crimea and Donbas by raising stakes up to the creation of quasi-states. Russia continues to pursue an absolutely unconstructive stance. It steps up repression in Crimea to silent the dissidents,” President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said at the 10th Kyiv Security Forum “Old Conflicts and New Dynamics: Strategies for a Changing World” on April 6.

“This aggressor is neither cooperative nor predictable. Its commitments are not credible,” he said. According to Poroshenko, the shelling in the Donbas, killings of Ukrainians, subversive activities of Russia in Ukraine prove that every single day we have worsening of the situation.


Fewer hostilities on April 7 according to local residents (00:00-18:00)

Local residents of the Donbas report minor military activity in Donetsk area, no reports on military action came from Luhansk Oblast and Mariupol sector on April 7 from 00:00 to 18:00.

Heavy military hardware moved from Khartsyzk towards frontline Makiivka at night:

01:40 Khartsyzk: A column of hardware has moved towards Makiivka, many pieces, heavy ones
08:50 Khartsyzk: 3-4 traces narrower than tank, wider than BMP, from #Zuhres direction towards Makiivka
08:44 [Makiivka] bypass: “I can see yesterday’s traces of tracks, they’re like SPGs, heavy, 2 pcs, inset, from north from YaBP direction”

The morning “wake-up” for Avdiivka and occupied Yasynuvata, Norhorodske north of Avdiivka can hear a battle too:

07:36 Yasynuvata: “One can hear
08:21 Novhorodske, Donetsk Oblast: “Not tomahawks, but something flies by here since 7”.

More hardware went through occupied Khrustalnyi (formerly Krasnyi Luch) in the south of Luhansk Oblast:

09:16 Khrustalnyi: They have their own ‘holidays’ in ORLO[=occupied areas of Luhansk region] about 9 a.m. 5 MLRS BM-21 Grad and a covered Kamaz truck went to Novopavlivka [artillery] range

The inactive battle north of Donetsk continues until 10:00:

09:38 Donetsk: boom
09:57 Novhorodske: Inactive cannonade lasts since 7 a.m. Now something has f*cking boomed greatly

Almost quiet noon and afternoon in Donetsk:

12:30 Donetsk: A BTR with troops #101 + a Ural truck with machine gunners along Vetka towards the downtown
13:21 [Donetsk]: A Kamaz truck with troops #61 in square went along the bypass from Yasynuvata direction
13:23 Donetsk railway station: …[RU] have just shelled
13:26 [Donetsk]: From the same [Yasynuvata] direction, another Ural truck went with troops, not marked, painted like for a parade
13:40 Makiivka: 2 brand new Kamaz trucks, KUNG, camo painted went from Vostochnyi direction towards Gvardeyka, no markings no # plates
14:57 Donetsk: Relatively quiet, sporadic strong booms in the north and machine-gun fire – Spartakairport.
16:17 Makiivka Vostochnyi: This is #H20 highway today, the 7th day of ceasefire. Fresh traces towards Donetsk



OSCE SMM briefs on the last 7 days

The number of ceasefire violations dropped by 20 % compared to the previous week.  There was a 90 % decrease in the number of explosions caused by mortars, tanks and artillery, from almost 4,000 to 485, reported Alexander Hug, Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine during a press briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center. “Dramatic fall was also seen in the number of explosions caused by Minsk proscribed weapons. On March 31 we recorded 110 explosions caused by mortars and 32 by artillery. The following day we recorded just a single explosion caused by a mortar round along the entire contact line,” said Hug.


90% decrease in number of explosions (from 3,930 week before to 485 last week):


Hostilities resumed after the first day of the ceasefire:


There is still a problem of SMM movement across the ATO zone. “Last week the mission’s freedom of movement was restricted 29 times, nine times in government controlled areas and 20 times in areas not controlled by the government.  Two restrictions involved violence in areas controlled by the so-called ‘DNR’, in which shots were fired very close to our monitors,” said Hug.


In 7 days the SMM spotted almost 200 proscribed weapons on both sides of the contact line:


6 deaths of civilians have been confirmed by monitors:



Shots fired near OSCE SMM mini UAV in Luhansk city

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine reported an attack on Mission’s drone on April 5:

“At 16:30, an SMM patrol of four monitors in two armoured vehicles arrived at a location 200m west of the aerodrome, in the south-eastern outskirts of “LNR”-controlled Luhansk city, to conduct a flight of its mini unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the area. At 16:40, the SMM launched its mini-UAV. At around 16:42, while the UAV was about 650m east of the patrol’s position, the SMM heard two bursts of small-arms fire (a total of 10-20 shots in the duration of 30 seconds), 1km east of the patrol’s position. The SMM immediately flew the UAV back, and at 16:44 the UAV landed normally, without any evident damage. Shortly after, the SMM left the area. No SMM members were injured or UAV damaged,” the OSCE SMM report reads.


The UAV spotted military equipment during its flight in the area:

  • 3 MLRS (BM-21 Grad, 122mm)
  • 5 towed howitzers (2A65 Msta-B, 152mm)
  • 7 self-propelled howitzers (2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm)
  • 7 tanks (T-72) – all in violation of the respective withdrawal lines
  • 7 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-2)
  • 13 armored personnel carriers (five BTR-70, one BTR-80, seven MTLB, one of those mounted with anti-aircraft gun)
  • 6 military-type trucks
  • At least 35 men in military-style clothes.


About 30000 forced to attend a “mobilization” “one-day military assembly” in occupied Donetsk Oblast

On April 6, occupation authorities of Donetsk gathered thousands of “reservists” at an artillery range south of Chystyakove (formerly Khartsyzk, east of Donetsk) for a staged rally called “a mobilization assembly of DNR reservists“, head of DNR terrorist organization Aleksandr Zakharchenko stated that “27000 of combat-fit men” have been mobilized, according to him the total “DNR army” end strength is 2 million, “all residents of the republic will defend it“. Russian TV Channel Lifenews reported that “everyone who underwent general and special military training at a range in DNR would receive weapon” to keep it at home. However, local residents who participated in the event denied claims about the weaponization.

Scores of buses with “reservists” were spotted in large occupied cities of Donetsk Oblast in the morning of April 6:

07:13 Horlivka [pro-RU source]: Pobedy avenue is blocked near the square, lots of buses parked, traffic police at work. We’ve military assembly

07:44 Donetsk: “Quiet in the city, lots of buses, streets blocked, probably another rally” “reservists going to a range?”
08:00 Makiivka: More than 40 buses with students, most of them in camo, departed from #MISI
08:27 Donetsk: About 8 a.m. buses with people and ambulances went along Illicha towards Makiivka
09:00 Donetsk: This morning more than 20 buses with men passed by Motel to Makiivka route

Later photographs and videos of the “assembly” emerged:

Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin who joined one of Donetsk terrorist groups participated in the assembly:

Russian news agency Ruptly called this show for the Russian TV “a military parade”:



Donetsk residents reported minor activity, but still no ceasefire on April 6

At half past midnight, Donetsk residents still heard separate explosions in the north:

00:30 Donetsk Kyivskyi district: since evening until now we continue listening to “seldom” single booms from the north

The morning in Donetsk-Yasynuvata-Avdiivka triangle was quiet:

06:18 Yasynuvata: At night they fought outside of the town. The morning seems quiet so far
09:35 Donetsk: A covered truck #50 in dashed circle went from a military unit at the Universytetska-Rossini intersection

Inactive skirmishes began north of Donetsk towards noon and finished at dinner time:

11:10 Donetsk Rozdolna: It has rumbled pretty strong a couple of times
12:22 Donetsk Viktoria: Some shootout in the direction of Gvardeyka + like AA-gun
12:28 Donetsk: Intense shooting with small arms in the direction of former #Rutchenkove DKKhZ
12:34 Novhorodske: “I can console you, nobody runs out of ammo. In the morning they fired a bit in the west, east and south. Now in south”
12:35 Avdiivka: They reports from Karlivka a tough battle ongoing in Marinka direction
13:00 Avdiivka: It is already several minutes as sounds of a battle are distinctly heard from the southwest

Occupied Kadiivka, Luhansk Oblast heard sounds of salvos outgoing from the north:

13:40 Kadiivka: Light sounds of salvos are heard here, far away. It comes from PervomayskPopasna direction
14:47 Sievierodonetsk: In Sievierodonetsk [booms] are greatly heard

Marinka, a Ukraine-controlled southwest of Donetsk, could hear an explosion afternoon:

15:50 Marinka: A loud boom, incoming

And Donetsk begins a “usual” evening bombardment as always about 5-6 p.m.:

17:30 Donetsk: “I went out to smoke, a battle in full swing at Promka. Both small arms and heavy guns. The ‘ceasefire’ in full swing”
17:34 Makiivka: airport, Spartak: Intense battle
17:45 Makiivka: Like scheduled, it rumbles. However not frequent
17:51 Horlivka: “And what the hell is that? Training? From Shyroka_Balka like 82mm”
17:56 Donetsk: airportSpartak – really serious stir, f*ckup
18:05 Donetsk: it pounds powerful
18:05 Donetsk Kyivskyi district: For about an hour, a tough battle is ongoing in Pisky direction – small arms, heavy machine guns and heavier
18:10 Donetsk: “Orcs [=RU] have shelled with heavy artillery few times in the north direction”
18:32 Makiivka: “It rumbles as hell, methodically and almost non-stop”
18:38 Donetsk: North, northwest are very noisy

Khrustalnyi, an occupied city south of Luhansk, could hear artillery drills in the morning:

18:38 Khrustalnyi: Today artillery at #Novopavlivka range was pretty active long time, roughly since 09:30 until 13:30

The battle continued north of Donetsk:

18:39 Novhorodske: From Promka it comes pretty significant, however not dense. And the rest of vicinity wakes up [=some activity everywhere]
18:40 Makiivka: The north booms have started and each next is stronger

Mostly quiet amid ceasefire occupied Horlivka recorded some activity:

18:47 north Horlivka: a strong heavy explosion, then 2 salvos, has that 2mn army gone into the assault [=refers to Russian “mobilization” military assembly took place on that day]

A rare report from the area of occupied Novoazovsk, a town east of Mariupol:

18:48 Novoazovsk district: it booms again

They still fight north of Donetsk:

18:50 Makiivka Vostochnyi: Separate strong booms in the west

Explosions were heard in the area of Novotroitske and occupied Dokuchaevsk:

18:58 Olenivka: Pretty loud
19:00 Dokuchaevsk: “#Oleksandrinka trembles with heavy booms” “Olenivka is listening to Dokuchaevsk direction”

Amid the ongoing bombardment north of occupied Donetsk, residents of free Avdiivka report incoming artillery fire:

19:05 Avdiivka: 4 incoming rounds, like at Khimik
19:06 Avdiivka: it’s very loud
19:09 Avdiivka: Strong incoming rounds, apparently at the city
19:12 Avdiivka: A war in full swing here. Impacts along the entire perimeter. What are such agreements for?
19:15 Avdiivka: #229, Soborna: a man born 1972 got shrapnel wound in the yard
19:21 Avdiivka: The battle has moved to the area of PromkaTsarska_Okhota. There have been mortar impacts and short skirmishes with MG

A short shootout southwest of Donetsk:

19:37 Donetsk: Staromykhaylivka – pretty active battle for about 10 minutes

And the Russian forces controlling occupied Donetsk finished the evening bombardment about 19:30:

19:38 Makiivka Vostochnyi: They’ve ceased

Undefined tracked vehicles were heard in Donetsk moving away from the front line:

19:38 Donetsk: Tracks clatter southwards along the bypass moving away, but very slowly

Occupied Perevalsk and Alchevsk reported night artillery drills in Luhansk Oblast:

21:00 Perevalsk, Alchevsk: “Cossacks” rumble at the range, the range flashes

Another shootout in Marinka, southwest of Donetsk:

21:18 Taramchuk area: Marinka direction sounds noisy

Later sporadic military activity in Donetsk:

22:53 Donetsk [pro-RU source]: Just now it fell densely, like MLRS – northwest
23:43 Donetsk: Southwest light booms are heard by times and sometimes gunfire


April 5-6: no fatalities, 7 wounded in 77 attacks

The ATO Headquarters reported 29 attacks on Ukrainian positions on April 5, 2 servicemen were wounded amid “Easter ceasefire”. On April 6, Ukrainian Armed Forces were attacked 48 times, 5 Ukrainian servicemen were reportedly wounded, 4 of them injured yesterday evening.

On April 6, Ukrainian strongholds near Novotroitske, south of Donetsk, were pounded with 120mm mortars, grenade launchers of various types, BMP armament. Other hotspots of Mariupol sector were Krasnohorivka, pounded with 82mm mortars, Pavlopil and Hnutove attacked with grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms. Shyrokyne, Vodyane, Lebedynske, Pavlopil came under fire too.

In Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian military recorded most of the attacks near Avdiivka yesterday, where 120mm mortars, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns were used throughout the day. Pisky was mortared again. Other Donetsk hotspots were Butovka airshaft, Troitske, Novozvanivka, Verknyotoretske.

Krymske and Stanytsia Luhanska were restless in Luhansk Oblast, where light weapons were used against Ukrainian servicemen.


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