When the US does not want to draw closer to the world, the world draws closer to the US. This civilizational law cannot be abolished, even by the president of the USA.
The new US president, Donald Trump, has accused senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham of behavior that risks provoking the third world war. The former businessman reacted in this fashion to the criticism that these experienced politicians leveled at his decree limiting immigration.
Perhaps Trump wanted to answer his critics as harshly as possible. But, unwittingly, he discovered the exact image of his own future government. A government that may be associated precisely with the expectation of a third world war. If the term of the 45th president of the USA ends without the start of a war, humanity will give a sigh of relief.
Both the first and second world wars began not simply through the concurrence of unfortunate historical circumstances. The main reason they began was because of the ordinary political arrogance of the rulers and their inability to foresee the consequences of their actions. They calculated for the short term, because when seen from a distance — human not historical — the possibility of a collapse appeared to be without particular problems. But at that time, neither the politicians themselves nor those who believed them even wanted to think about the possibility of a collapse.
Donald Trump undoubtedly does not want a third world war. Furthermore, he wants for the US to move away as far as possible from the “old continent,” from world conflicts.
Trump represents a return to the US of a hundred years ago — a US focused on itself and on isolationism. But in all fairness, it is worth mentioning that the US presidents who took part in the world wars did not want to send troops to the front either. When the US does not want to draw closer to the world, the world draws closer to the US. Even the president of the USA cannot abolish that civilizational law.
In order to avoid a possible civilizational conflict, it is necessary to get rid of arrogance and the naïve faith that events will evolve as you want. This faith often gets in the way of the ordinary man who lives in his own little world.
It gets in the way of the businessman who only sees his own interests in this world. It gets in the way of an authoritarian ruler such as Putin because the dictator believes that everything needs to happen as he wishes and is incapable of noticing either people or historical processes.
But all these complications can be overcome. The world will not be destroyed by the problems of the ordinary man or by the bankruptcy of the businessman. And sanctions can be imposed against the authoritarian ruler, followed by his slow but inevitable collapse.
However, when naïve faith begins to get in the way of the president of the most powerful democratic country of the modern world, that is when the real problems begin.