On the West Coast the fireworks in honor of the 240th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States have died away. Many people understand that the “birthday” of America is important, not only for her citizens, but also for the entire world. It is truly difficult to argue with this.
Some feel differently and don’t especially love America. There is a wide variety of opinion. But even her most virulent critics (I refer her to responsible critics, not the consumers of the televised hatred of Russian propagandists) are constrained to recognize the enormous significance of the USA for our tiny planet.
America is indispensable to our civilization.
What are the most common complaints heard about America? That the assistance she provides to Ukraine or the Baltic states is inadequate, that she underestimates the Russian threat, that her response to Muslim terrorism is inadequate, that she makes mistakes in the Near East.… Without judging the merits of these accusations, it is clear that they prove a single indubitable thesis – America is indispensable to our civilization.
In fact, all that was required was for America to retreat a few steps from its role as world leader for Putin to dare to intervene in Ukraine, for the terrorists of ISIS to become bold, for fear to grip the Baltic states, for the weakness of Europe to become evident and its unity shattered, and for repression to rise in Russia itself. The list is long. And is there another country where a presidential election is followed by the entire world?
And even when the Americans make mistakes, they affect us all precisely because the USA is so important in our world. Important because the USA is the absolutely indispensable country. Indispensable as the lever which moves the Earth, and even more as a kind of indispensable model for mankind. Ideal within the limits of an imperfect world, of course. America is not perfect, at times far from it, but she’s the best that mankind can create in today’s world.
America is not perfect, at times far from it, but she’s the best that mankind can create in today’s world.
Best not only in the development of science and technology (which she is), and not only insofar as freedom is concerned. The realm of possibilities for self-realization here are such that those who have not experienced it would not believe it. Even more, America may be viewed as the Noah’s Ark of humanity. In the words of the film Moscow on the Hudson, “everyone is from somewhere.”
America reminds us of how our planet might be: simultaneously diverse and united. She offers an unmatched example for co-existence among nations… She teaches by her example that what seems impossible in other countries is normal here.
America is teeming with all kinds of people, different modes of dress, all colors of skin, every imaginable accent. There is no other safe haven like it for refugees, entrepreneurs, talented professionals, or simply people seeking happiness. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, here you are one of many, a tiny part of this great and diverse country. America reminds us of how our planet might be: simultaneously diverse and united. She offers an unmatched example for co-existence among nations. Here, people quickly cease to be outsiders – there are simply too many others just like them, and they all fit in. She teaches by her example that what seems impossible in other countries is normal here.
And for this America deserves our love. Her imperfections are human imperfections, and even here they are minimal in the scope of civilization. On this Fourth of July, one is reminded that she is worth defending. We must not only criticize her and make demands of her, as is the case for many in our post-Soviet countries, but we must defend her. If only because without her our civilization would be quite different – if it could be preserved, at all.