The award ceremony event that took place on Jan 5th, at the West Hollywood City Council Chambers where the “Mirror of the Freedom Award” was given to the filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky. After the ceremony, there was a private film screening and Q&A with the director.
Natalka Volya on behalf of the e-Continent magazine presented the “Mirror of the Freedom Award” to filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky for his documentary movie “Winter on Fire” – an outstanding work of art that depicts and interprets the meaning of the recent events in Ukraine. At the same time, it inspires Americans to think about their own significance regarding what freedom really means. In a sense, the heroes of the Euromaidan in Ukraine can be seen as the “living hearts” of the American Founding Fathers, an embodiment of American values.
Read more: Russian-born director risking his life to deliver Oscar worthy documentary
“The Journal Continent is publishing the most important and leading writers, only the best of the best – the best poets, the writers, the best artists in its category. Tonight I am giving this award to Evgeny Afineevsky, the director of Winter on Fire, the outstanding piece of art, the best documentary in its category – to my opinion and the opinion of the e-Continent magazine,” said Ms.Volya while presenting the award.