The Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Minister Linas Linkevicius, according to, stated the European Union and other international organizations should look into the question of providing military aid to Ukraine.
“In our view, we should examine all kinds of aid to Ukraine, and wherever possible – economically, militarily and politically – we should help them in this crisis. We are doing what we can on the national level, but we must also organize international organizations to be more active”. – he said to journalists in the Lithuanian Parliament.
“Our position is clear and consistent. We demand that our colleagues also conscientiously and clearly assess the present day situation in Ukraine. Latest events have introduced elements of aggression. We mean the so-called humanitarian convoy which absurdly had approval from neither the Ukrainian Government nor the Red Cross, and thus violated international norms. Friday we initiated a meeting of the UN Defence Council regarding this question. And now, just before the recent events in Minsk, new factors caused grave concern: the breakthrough of armored columns and the introduction of paratroops.”

“I believe our goal in these discussions should be to present an overall assessment of the situation, and to plan further actions – a clear and agreed upon further pressure.”
[hr]Source: translated by Adrian Bryttan