From a legal perspective, the results of the presidential elections in Ukraine will be flawless, despite the fact that in some districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts voting will not occur, said Mykhaylo Okhendovsky, the head of the Central Election Commission, reports LigaBiznesInform, May 24.
When questioned by Russian journalists if the presidential elections will be considered legitimate in light of the situation in eastern Ukraine, Okhendovsky specifically stressed that the legal results of the elections for the president of Ukraine will be absolutely unassailable.
He also declared that, according to the law on presidential elections, the Central Election Committee will establish the results regardless of the number of polling stations and election districts where voting did not occur.
“From a political perspective, I think everything will proceed accordingly, and there will be no reason for anyone in Ukraine or abroad to doubt the legitimacy of these elections,” said Okhendovsky. He also pointed out that, in 1993, during the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, two federal subjects of the Russian Federation boycotted the referendum.
“In Chechnya, voting did not take place at all, and in Tatarstan only 15% of voters voted. Moreover, in one of the regions, only three people voted. Furthermore, in this referendum 17 federal subjects of the Russian Federation voted against the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the Central Election Committee of Russia to announce the adoption of the Constitution in the country,” Okhendovsky said.
As has been reported, the vast majority of polling station in Ukraine for the early presidential elections opened on time. However, in the Luhansk Oblast, elections are taking place in only 2 out of 12 districts, and in Donetsk, in 7 out of 22.
Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/1875376-rezultaty_vyborov_prezidenta_ukrainy_budut_neuyazvimymi_tsik.htm