Artists have created drawings for each of the letters of the alphabet matched to the Ukrainian revolutionary theme. The book, ‘Revolt Alphabet,’ is set to be published soon. All money from its sales will be given to the the families of those who died on the barricades.
This also applies to T-shirts carrying the imprint, ‘Revolt Alphabet.’ Sales proceeds will be given to the families.
Here is Ukrainian Revolt Alphabet Teaser from Ukrainian Revolt Alphabet on Vimeo.
“Even before the first deaths of Hrushevskiy the situation had been tense, I was full of fear and the desire to be somehow useful. Then, absolutely spontaneously, the idea was born to classify everything we have survived in artistic works and, with the help of this product, to gather money to help the victims,” says project author, artist Polina Moroz.
The book also contains commentaries of the artists to their work. Ukrainska Pravda. Zhittya is publishing a number of pictures with the commentaries of their authors, with their permission.
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Oleksandr Priymak. ‘Banderivets’ [as seen by Russian TV – ed] |
Oleksandr Priymak: One of the compulsory attributes of a totalitarian state is the image of the “people’s enemy.”
On one hand, protection from such an enemy excuses the existence of the regime, on the other – consolidates the population in the face of external threats.
Before, the place of the main underminer of the “century-long moral orders and spiritual bases of the Russian world” has been taken by the abstract West, which only busied itself with fooling the population, seduced the Russian warriors with their democracy and gay parades.
Now there is a new scarecrow on the front line – “the Benderas drunken on impunity,” invisible and omnipresent. Meanwhile the new enemy is carrying out its mission much better: first, the bEndera lives in a neighbouring country, and not somewhere overseas or in far Europes. Second, it falls greatly into the contemporary Russian cult of the Great Patriotic War – St. George’s Ribbon and “thank you to my grandfather for victory” is well augmented with the motto, “bEnderas will not pass!”
However, just like the etalon old-fashioned propaganda falls apart before objective facts, the image of the “enemy of the people” shows its absurdity and artificiality, it is only enough to portray it in its entirety, with all of its inseparable attributes. Which is what I have done.
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Polina Moroz. ‘Violation’ |
Polina Moroz: The work was created under the impressions of the night of November 30th. Then it seemed that there was nothing less humane than the beatings. I do not condone any instance of aggression and think that it is wrong regardless of which side it is on. What is more, when this aggression comes from the side of the armed government representatives.
The impression of injustice increased when the beaten people became prisoners of the regime. In a civilised society, to which we are striving, such things cannot be.
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Ivan Kostenko. “Dictatorship.” |
Ivan Kostenko: Islam has been taken as a base for the image. The symbols of well-known dictator regimes are depicted on the hijab: North Korea, the Soviet Union, and nazi Germany.
All the women are enclosed and afraid, and butterflies, the hope for the future, are overhead.
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Halyna Nikitina. “Former Presidents” |
Halyna Nikitina: The new master in the moment of the final blow to the now former President. The moment from the continuous queue of pushes. Firm behinds of the exploiting class. There is no head – just a crown. A life of vanity in fear of a push from the future President.
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Anna Ayzerman. “Yolka” [‘Yolka’ is a Ukrainian pronunciation of ‘fir tree’ that mocked Yanukovych’s dyslalia – Ed.] |
Anna Ayzerman: The ancient Slavs considered the fir tree to be a tree of death. In the contemporary world the fir tree is a symbol of celebration, it is close people, the faith in something universal, in the future good, permanently green.
An iron pole, a carcass for the establishment of the big fir tree and the barricades made out of tree branches, snow and the rest are the naked truth of the events on Maidan. It is there where death and celebration have been intertwined.
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Vlada Ralko. “Kozak in a Helmet with a Molotov Cocktail” |
Vlada Ralko: The “Kozak” is a contemporary version of “kozak Mamai – the protector of the Motherland,” a national painting which could have been seen frequently on Maidan.
Also this drawing is one of the pages of my “Kyiv Diary” of 2013-2014, which I am drawing in parallel with the development of the Ukrainian protest.
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Liudmila Sedliar, Victoria Zagrafova (LUVI). “Medics” |
Liudmila Sedliar, Victoria Zagrafova: We took an image of the Franciscan order. The cross is a symbol of hope, faith, and self-sacrifice. The arms are crossed in prayer and hope for salvation. God and a doctor for a person who is ailing, suffering is a hope for salvation.
How else to regard the people which are saving the wounded boys, disregarding their own lives.
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Anatoliy Bielov. “Tent” |
Anatoliy Bielov: I used the documentary photographs from the scene of the events for my drawing. The works speak for themselves.
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Dina Linnyk. “Ultras of Ukraine” |
Dina Linnyk: From the list proposed to me I chose specifically “Ultras,” because the hooligans in masks turned out to be fairer and braver, standing up for the protection of regular people! They evoke respect from me.
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Vasyl Kostenko. “Bribe” |
Vasyl Kostenko: A great number of thieving hands are depicted on the illustration. The main symbol is the black void in the centre, which is sucking them into nothing.
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Sasha Godiayeva. “Prisoner” |
Sasha Godiayeva: The work was created in the moment before the toppling of the criminal government led by Viktor Yanukovych. Several symbolic images are integrated into the drawing.
For example, in the Ukrainian society, at a definite moment, the split became more than evident. The people, because of their ignorance and open misinformation, were predisposed to dividing everything into black and white, escalating the emotional tension in the masses even more.
I want to say that a shadow is not simply a dark spot, in which nothing is to be seen. A shadow is simply underdeveloped light. Any situation has its ornament and its complexity. Only having stopped the internal dialogue with oneself can one see this ornament and maybe even notice its patterns.
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Polina Moroz. “Yanukovych” |
Polina Moroz: A lot can be written about the personality of our latest President Victor Fedorovych Yanukovych – an entire book wouldn’t be enough.
My work speaks about the fact that the citizens of Ukraine, through their actions, have demonstrated the unwillingness to live beneath the rule of a bandit and ended the reign of the Tsar.
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Maksym Andrusiv. “Hero” |
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Yasia Khomenko. “Titushka” |
Translated by Mariya Shcherbinina, Edited by W. Michael Donovan
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