Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 16:24

In Sevastopol on Wednesday morning, March 19, civilians broke through the fence and entered the territory of Command Staff of Naval Forces of Ukraine, the head of the Media Center of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in Crimea, Vladyslav Seleznyov, announced.
He said that men brought down the fence using military equipmentand then the crowd broke inside. At 9:00 people were in the compound.
“Officers are holding back this mass of people as best they can, so they are not scattered about the base,” he said.
“It is clear that our Ukrainian officers will not use force against women,” said Seleznyov.
He added that there are no pro-Kremlin armed men. “There are a variety of people in masks or without masks, but none armed,” he said.
Seleznev added that on other points the night passed quietly.”Everywhere people are trying to persuade our military to move to the side of the Black Sea Fleet , or go to the mainland of Ukraine,” he added.
The original text is on Ukrainska Pravda at: