On Friday, May 25, secondary schools throughout Ukraine, including Crimea, were holding ceremonies marking the official end of the school year. Students graduating from the Lesya Ukrainka Gymnasium No. 5 in Sevastopol, along with their teachers, wore vyshyvankas (Ukrainian embroidered shirts) to school as a sign of protest against Russian occupation of the peninsula.
One of the residents of the occupied Sevastopol, Elena Latash, posted photos from the graduation ceremony on her Facebook page with the following caption:
“Everyone will pursue their own paths in life,
But memories of these best years with the smell of happiness
Will forever live in the back of our minds.
City of Sevastopol. Graduation ceremony in the Lesya Ukrainka Gymnasium No. 5. Our children were the best looking”!
Comments posted under the photos refer to this act by teens as bravery and heroism, given that the Russian authorities, which occupied Crimea two months ago, are prohibiting everything related to Ukraine on the peninsula.
Source: Elena Latash’s Facebook page and TSN
Translated by Dasha Darchuk, edited by Olga Ruda