On 24 September 2017, from 200 to 400 people in Russia’s St.Petersburg held a March for Peace protesting, first of all, Russia’s war against Ukraine.
The event was not approved by the city authorities, who rejected the 17 routes proposed by the organizers from the “Democratic Petersburg” organization, according to the local outlet fontanka.ru, which also reported the number of 400 participants. On the International Day of Peace, 21 September, the VKontatke group of the event was blocked after a request from Russia’s Prosecutor General’s office. Nevertheless, the protesters, holding blue and yellow balloons, held the march. Fontanka.ru reported that two activists were detained.

Марш мира скоро начнётся в СПБ. Человек 200 здесь pic.twitter.com/3AJCmuUmLN
— Арсений Веснин (@ars_ves) 24 вересня 2017 р.
В Петербурге скандируют: ” слава Украине! героям слава!” pic.twitter.com/lWqS7G3rFy
— Арсений Веснин (@ars_ves) 24 вересня 2017 р.
Акция закончилась. Все фоткуются pic.twitter.com/bpP5gRz9j3
— Арсений Веснин (@ars_ves) 24 вересня 2017 р.
Марш мира. Петербург. Художница Елена Осипова. pic.twitter.com/rNcjkeZGJ2
— Арсений Веснин (@ars_ves) 24 вересня 2017 р.
Similar marches for peace were announced to be held in New York (USA), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tallinn (Estonia).